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DK Holdings reaches another milestone through its membership with The Green Organisation

DK Holdings is pleased to share that we’ve now planted over 240 trees through our Gold Membership with The Green Organisation, an independent, international, non-profit, non-political environment group dedicated to recognising, rewarding and promoting environmental best practices around the world.

“We’ve been incredibly pleased to receive our latest certificate, acknowledging DK Holdings’ continuous effort to implement measures to leave a better environment for future generations”, Darren Mills, Finance Director, tells us.

“We will continue investment to improve our green credentials as well as honour the commitments set out in our Environmental Policy“, Darren concludes. 

Please find the latest certificate here. 

To find out more about the company’s initiatives to improve its green credentials please email info@dk-holdings.co.uk.

Feel free to contact us at info@dk-holdings.co.uk to find out more about our existing ISO accreditations and future projects.

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