Health and Safety Policy Statement

1. Policy Statement

It is the policy of the management of D.K. Holdings Limited to do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure a safe and healthy working environment.

The promotion of health and safety measures is regarded as a mutually beneficial objective for management and employees at all levels. The avoidance of hazards arising from the Company’s operational activities, services or products is of paramount importance.

The Managing Director is responsible for all applicable health and safety matters, which includes ensuring that the provisions of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and all associated regulations and legislation are met and that the Company’s organisation, arrangements and procedures are implemented. In the case of the self employed and/or temporary workers, operating under a contract for services, the health and safety responsibilities are shared between the worker and client employer. D.K. Holdings Limited will pass on all relevant information on any qualifications and skills the temporary worker needs in order to carry out the work safely.

It is the duty of all management and supervisory staff to maintain a safe and healthy place of work to ensure that everything reasonably practicable is done to prevent personal injury or damage to property in the process of its activities.

The Company will provide appropriate instruction, training, supervision and information to enable all employees to perform their work safely and efficiently. Training will be provided to employees to ensure that they are aware of their duties and responsibilities and that health and safety is a prime consideration in all aspects of their work and the work of contractors, customers and visitors on the Company’s premises.

D.K. Holdings Limited will emphasise in all health and safety matters the high degree of individual personal responsibility that must be accepted by each employee.

All employees and temporary workers have a duty to cooperate with management by:

1.1 : Working safely and efficiently, taking all reasonable steps to safeguard his/her safety and that of any other person who may be affected by his/her actions.

1.2 : Using equipment in accordance with operating instructions.

1.3 : Using protective equipment provided and meeting statutory obligations.

1.4 : Reporting accidents/incidents that have or could have caused injury or damage.

1.5 : Adhering to the D.K. Holdings Limited health and safety policy and procedures for securing a safe place of work.

1.6 : Assisting in the investigation of accidents with the objective of introducing measures for preventing recurrence.

1.7 : Identifying potential hazards and reporting them for corrective action.

Neglect of health and safety requirements will be regarded as a serious disciplinary matter. The Company endorses the need for joint consultation to maintain the communication necessary to achieve good health and safety standards.


Site Safety Transport Policy

General Statement

This document provides instructions and guidance for vehicular access to all parts of the site and the parking control of any vehicle on the site.

This document provides instructions and guidance for vehicular access to all parts of the site and the parking control of any vehicle on the site.

As far as reasonably practicable this will create safe areas for Pedestrians and Drivers by:
  • Minimising the risk of pedestrians being struck by vehicles.
  • Allow for a safe means of access to and egress from the factories to be maintained at all times.
  • Strict controlling of all vehicles whilst on the site.

Arrangements for Securing the Health and Safety of Workers

  1. Site Speed Limit set at 5 MPH
  2. Signage
    2.1 : Speed Limit Signs displayed at site entrance points with repeat signs at appropriate locations.

    2.2 : Signs displayed warning of Fork Lift activity.

    2.3 : Signs displayed warning of reversing vehicles.

  3. Parking only permitted in marked bays.
  4. Traffic calming measures i.e. Sleeping Policemen, positioned at Main Site Entrance and Rear of Front Factory.
  5. Vehicular/Pedestrian Separation

    5.1 : Bollards placed at south-east corner of Front Factory and south-east corner of Rear Factory to provide vehicular/pedestrian separation.

    5.2 : Pedestrian walkway provided by eastern side of Front Factory for vehicle/pedestrian separation. Shown by painted yellow line.

    5.3 : Pedestrian walkway provided by eastern side of Rear Factory for vehicle/pedestrian separation.

  6. Employees exceeding site speed limit will be subject to Company Disciplinary Procedure.
  7. Delivery Drivers/Contractors exceeding site speed limits will be reported to their employer.
  8. Management will carry out spot checks to ensure site rules are being adhered to.
  9. Adequate lighting is provided across the whole site for driving, parking and pedestrians.
  10. Site Transport Policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.
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